The Redeemed Christian School of Mission (RECSOM) is an interdenominational missionary training institution of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom.
Training at RECSOM enables students to engage with themselves, experienced and Spirit-filled lecturers, Christian Communities, the church, the world and with Jesus Christ through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. These are all achieved through our various learning and teaching offerings that enable Christian character formation, an adequate understanding of the essence of mission and the practical experience required to function successfully as a missionary.
We emphasize the place of the Holy Spirit for a successful ministry just as we expose our students to the dynamics of contemporary Christianity in Europe and the rest of the Western world.
The uniqueness of our institution is that we understand and appreciate the ministerial aspirations of our students and the needs of the Church today. At RECSOM we offer education that is accessible to students with a wide range of educational backgrounds, professions, and personal circumstances. Many will be mature students, many will be employed and therefore studying part time, many will be in active ministry, while others will be pursuing the programme as full time students...
Students are encouraged to express themselves in a decent manner that gives consideration to the opinions of others, thereby enabling equal opportunities. Cordial relationships and interactions amongst students, lecturers and the examples of practical Christianity which we encourage gives added value to life at RECSOM. At RECSOM students, lecturers and administrative staff are part of a large family.